Currently, the Stimulus to Scientific Employment is the ongoing incentive for the hiring of researchers, the development of scientific employment strategies and policies, and to the development of scientific careers by public or private institutions.
The Stimulus to Scientific Employment is to be implemented via different instruments:
Individual Calls
Direct support to the hiring of doctoral researchers in all scientific areas, through annual competitions promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in order to facilitate the continuous and systematic integration of new doctorates in the institutions.
Institutional Calls
Support to the development of R&D activities stimulating and implying the hiring of doctoral researchers by the scientific institutions. The applicants to these calls are institutions, which are then awarded the funds to hire a designated number of doctorates within their domains of knowledge.
R&D Units
Within the scope of the periodic evaluation process of the R&D Units (the latest being 2017-2018), there is a support for the planning and implementation of stimulus to scientific employment by these research performing organisations.
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